Thursday, November 28, 2024

4th Vocabulary


delivery date = data de lliurament
give a discount = donar un descompte
goods = mercaderies
invoice = factura
out of stock = fora d'estoc
payment date = data de pagament
payments = pagaments
price = preu
price per unit = preu per unitat
quality = qualitat
quantity = quantitat
subtotal = subtotal


account = compte
cash = efectiu
charge it = carregar-ho
cheque = xec
credit card = targeta de crèdit
postage and handling = portes i manipulació
shipping = enviament


all-in-one = tot-en-un
built-in = integrat
compact = compacte
complicated = complicat
dependable = fiable
ergonomic = ergonòmic
flexible = flexible
high-resolution = d'alta resolució
portable = portàtil
powerful = potent
practical = pràctic
reliable = fiable
secure = segur
simple = simple
slimline = elegant
sturdy = resistant
superfast = superràpid
top-of-the-range = d'alta gamma
user-friendly = fàcil d'usar
wide screen = pantalla àmplia


accessible = accessible
compatible = compatible
convenient = còmode
delivery fee = cost d'enviament
place an order = fer una comanda
reduction = reducció
shortage = manqueig
sophisticated = sofisticat
spare parts = peces de recanvi
special offer = oferta especial
specialised = especialitzat
stocktaking = inventari
supply chain = cadena de subministrament
warehouse = magatzem

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