Thursday, March 6, 2025

Customer Service: Pag 31 Ex 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8

4. Listen and repeat the words in colour.

Then choose the correct answer.

1. Thank you for calling. I'll be happy to assist you again in the future.

2. I don't know what to do. What do you suggest?

3. I can't remember exactly what you ordered. I'll check my records. 

4. The order hasn't arrived yet. It must be under lost in the post.

5. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Which pairs of sentences have got a similar meaning?

1. a. The prices on the invoice are too high. There must be an error.

b. The prices on this invoice are incorrect. 

2. a. They credited our account after they had overcharged us.

b. They put us through to the accounts department because they had overcharged us.

3. a. You sent us the wrong item.

b. I hadn't ordered the item you sent us. 

4. a. We'll replace the tablet at our expense.

b. We'll pay for replacing the tablet.

6. a. This keyboard has got a defect, so it will have to be replaced.

b. This keyboard will have to be replaced because there's something wrong with it.

6. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences.

1. If the product is in its original box, I can give you a full refund 

2. I want compensation for the inconvenience you have caused me.

3. We finally found what was causing the problem. It was a faulty part

4. There's a lot of competition in this area, so our company has been losing business

5 Check that fan. It's making a noise

6. This part doesn't fit where it's supposed to.

7. Read the sentences. Which are said by a customer? Which are said by a customer relations representative?

1. Of course. We'll credit your account.  Customer relations representative

2. You can return the items by post at our expense. Customer relations representative

3. Is this product under warranty for a year? Customer

4. We'll have to open the computer to see if there's any damage inside. Customer relations representative

5. I'm very angry. I'm going to make a claim. Customer

6. I apologise for the error. We'll send you the correct items immediately. Customer relations representative

7. When I opened the box, I saw that the camera was missing a part! Customer

8. We refuse to pay because we received incorrect items. Customer

8. Read the complaint record. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases below.  

1. return 2. under warranty 3. refused 4. refund 5. compensation 6. make a claim

Thursday, January 23, 2025

6th Vocabulary

PHONE CALLS                                                 

- avoid = evitar

- be careful = tingues cura

- caller = persona que truca

- contact = contacte

- dial a number = marcar un número

- engaged = ocupat

- extension number = número d'extensió

- no reply = sense resposta

- on the line = en línia

- professional = professional

- put you through = posar-te en línia

- remind = recordar

- repeat = repetir

- ring back = tornar a trucar

- speak up = parlar més fort

- state = indicar

- wrong number = número erroni


- cut off = tallar la comunicació

- deal with = ocupar-se de

- expecting = esperant

- hang up = penjar

- in a meeting = en una reunió

- interrupt = interrompre

- leave a message = deixar un missatge

- line is busy = línia ocupada

- on holiday = de vacances

- out of the office = fora de l'oficina

- out of town = fora de la ciutat

- put you on hold = posar-te en espera

- return your call = tornar la teva trucada

- spell that = deletrejar-ho

- take a message = prendre un missatge

- take down = prendre nota

- transfer = transferir

- unavailable = no disponible

- urgent = urgent


- bad connection = mala connexió

- call back = trucar més tard

- calling on behalf of = trucant en nom de

- clearly = clarament

- end a conversation = acabar una conversa

- get through = comunicar-se

- interference = interferència

- line is free = línia lliure

- offer assistance = oferir assistència

- speak a little more slowly = parlar una mica més a poc a poc

- take a call = agafar una trucada

- voicemail = bústia de veu

- Would you mind = et molestaria

Thursday, January 9, 2025

5th Vocabulary


control panel = panell de control

loose connection = connexió fluixa 

mute box = silenciar

no signal message = cap missatge de senyal

power button = botó d'encesa

volume control = control de volum


freeze = congelar

log off = tanca la sessió

make sure = assegurar-se

press and hold = premeu i manteniu premut

reconnect = tornar a connectar

reinstall = tornar a instal·lar

reopen = tornar a obrir

replace = substituir

restart = reiniciar

shut down = tancar


anti-virus software = còpia de seguretat del programari antivirus

back up = còpia de seguretat

follow instructions = seguiu les instruccions

lose = perdre

password = contrasenya

recover = recuperar

PLACES AROUND TOWN                        

airport = aeroport

department store = grans magatzems

entrance = entrada

exit = sortida

off-site = fora del lloc

on-site = in situ

post office = oficina de correus

reception = recepció

factory ground floor = planta baixa de fàbrica

library = biblioteca

lift = aixecar

shopping centre = centre comercial

sports centre = centre esportiu

stairs = escales

train station = estació de tren


at the end of the corridor = al final del passadís

go straight = anar recte

on your left/right = a la teva esquerra/dreta

opposite = contrari

turn left/right = girar a l'esquerra/dreta


assist = ajudar

maintenance = manteniment

at the traffic lights = als semàfors

breakdown = averia

corrupt files = arxius corruptes

cross the road = creuar el carrer

debugging = descarregar errors

diagnose = diagnosticar

manual = manual

performance = rendiment

problem solving = resolució de problemes

recovery = recuperació

reset = restablir

take the first left/right = agafar el primer a l'esquerra/dreta

Thursday, November 28, 2024

3rd Vocabulary


alt key = tecla Alt
arrow keys = teclat de fletxes
backspace key = tecla de retrocés
caps lock key = tecla de majúscules
command key = tecla de comandament
control key = tecla de control
delete key = tecla Suprimeix
escape key = tecla Escape
function keys = tecles de funció
modifier key = tecla modificadora
numeric pad = teclat numèric
return or enter key = tecla Retorn o Enter
shift key = tecla Majúscules
space bar = barra d'espai
tab key = tecla Tab


and symbol = símbol i
apostrophe = apòstrof
asterisk = asterisc
at symbol = símbol d'arroba
brackets = claudàtors
colon = dos punts
comma = coma
exclamation mark = signe d'exclamació
full stop = punt final
hyphen = guió
question mark = signe d'interrogació
quotation marks = cometes
semicolon = punt i coma
slash = barra inclinada
underscore = guió baix


above = sobre
between = entre
on = a
behind = darrere
in the middle of = al mig de
over = per sobre
below = per sota
next to = al costat de
under = sota
beside = al costat


barcode scanner = lector de codis de barres
flash drive = unitat flash
gaming controller = controlador de jocs
headset = auriculars
microphone = micròfon
printer = impressora
projector = projector
remote control = comandament a distància
scanner = escàner
speakers = altaveus
stylus pen touch screen = llapis tàctil per a pantalla tàctil
USB charger = carregador USB
webcam = càmera web


broken = trencat
overstocked = excés d'abastament
run low on = córrer baix
obsolete = obsolet
reorder = reordenar
run out of = quedar-se sense
order = ordre


joystick = joystick
laser pointer = punter làser
letter keys = tecles de lletres
memory stick = memòria USB
page down = pàgina avall
page up = pàgina amunt
short cut = drecera
touchpad = tàctil

4th Vocabulary


delivery date = data de lliurament
give a discount = donar un descompte
goods = mercaderies
invoice = factura
out of stock = fora d'estoc
payment date = data de pagament
payments = pagaments
price = preu
price per unit = preu per unitat
quality = qualitat
quantity = quantitat
subtotal = subtotal


account = compte
cash = efectiu
charge it = carregar-ho
cheque = xec
credit card = targeta de crèdit
postage and handling = portes i manipulació
shipping = enviament


all-in-one = tot-en-un
built-in = integrat
compact = compacte
complicated = complicat
dependable = fiable
ergonomic = ergonòmic
flexible = flexible
high-resolution = d'alta resolució
portable = portàtil
powerful = potent
practical = pràctic
reliable = fiable
secure = segur
simple = simple
slimline = elegant
sturdy = resistant
superfast = superràpid
top-of-the-range = d'alta gamma
user-friendly = fàcil d'usar
wide screen = pantalla àmplia


accessible = accessible
compatible = compatible
convenient = còmode
delivery fee = cost d'enviament
place an order = fer una comanda
reduction = reducció
shortage = manqueig
sophisticated = sofisticat
spare parts = peces de recanvi
special offer = oferta especial
specialised = especialitzat
stocktaking = inventari
supply chain = cadena de subministrament
warehouse = magatzem

Thursday, October 17, 2024

2nd Vocabulary

PARTS OF A COMPUTER                                 

DVD drive lector dvd

fan ventilador

hard drive disco dur

heat sink.  disipador 

motherboard placa base

processor (CPU) processador

RAM chip chip de RAM

sound card tarjeta de só

USB port port USB


advanced  avançat

basic bàsic

cheap barat

expensive  car

heavy pesat

large gran

light lleuger

little petit

loud sorollós

narrow estret

Quick Ràpid

quiet callat

slow lent

useful útil

Useless Inútil

wide ample


first primer

second segon

third tercer

fourth quart

fifth cinquè

sixth sisè

seventh setè

eighth vuitè

ninth novè

tenth desè

PARTS OF A COMPUTER                                             

cable cable

case carcasa

clip clip

front panel panell frontal

power supply font d'alimentació

side panel panell lateral

Slot Ranura

socket endoll

switch interruptor


attach  adjuntar

connect  connectar

detach  separar

disconnect  desconnectar

insert inserir

plug in connectar

remove eliminar

screw cargol

turn off apagar

turn on encendre

unplug desconnectar

Unscrew Desenrosqueu


cache memòria cau

desktop case funda d'escriptori

disc controller controlador de disc

drive bay badia de la unitat

expansion cards targetes d'expansió

1/O Adapter Adaptador 1/O

Network Attached Storage (NAS) Emmagatzematge connectat a la xarxa 

optical drive unitat òptica

tower case carcasa de la torre

Thursday, October 10, 2024

1st Vocabulary

COMPUTERS AND DEVICES                                                      

apps aplicacions

laptop portàtil

server servidor

data dades

monitor monitor

software programari

hardware maquinari

mouse ratolí

system unit unitat del sistema

keyboard teclat

BUSINESS SECTORS                                           

banking bancària

business and retail negocis i minoristes

education educació

health salut

hospitality and leisure hospitalitat i oci

manufacturing fabricació

transport transport


ten deu

twenty vint

thirty trenta

forty quaranta

fifty cinquanta

sixty seixanta

seventy setanta

eighty vuitanta

ninety noranta

one hundred cent

five hundred cinc-cents

one thousand mil

one thousand five hundred mil cinc-cents


assemble montar

check comprovar

design dissenya

download descarreguar

give donar

input entrada

install instala

maintain mantenir

operate operar

repair reparar

solve resoldre

startup inici

test prova

troubleshoot solucionar

upgrade (n) actualització 

upload carregar


data entry operator operador d'entrada de dades

helpdesk tchnician tècnic de servei d'assistència

network administrator administrador de xarxa

programmer programador

software tester provador de programari

support technician tècnic de suport

web designer dissenyador web


client client

company empresa

over the phone per telèfon

responsible responsable

role rol

skill habilitat

support suport

team equip

Theme 1: The Digital World

 6. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then copy and complete the sentences.

1. data is another word for information.

2. apps are programs that you can use in your smartphone.

3. hardware means the phsical parts of a computer.

4. software is another word for computer programs.

7. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then match the business sectors in A to the statements in B.


1. d

2. f

3. a

4. e

5. c

6. G

7. b


a. 3

b. 7

c. 5

d. 1

e. 4

f. 2

g. 6



1. 563

2. 871

3. 1020

4. 4030

5. 1434

6. 7691


1. twenty-nine

2. sixty-five

3. eighty-four

4. one hundred thirteen

5. two hundred ninty-seven

6. one thousand three hundred seventy-nine

Your Turn:

A. exhibit 240

B. exhibit 94

C. exhibit 176 

D. exhibit 167


1. Francesca

2. Charlene

3. Brian

4. Brian

5. Brian

6. Charlene

a. 3
b. 1
c. 4
d. 2
e. 5


1. b
2. c
3. a


1. troubleshoot
2. Repeair
3. download
4. assemble
5. upgrade


1. b
2. f
3. a
4. d
5. c
6. e

1. design
2. operate
3. solve
4. check
5. input
6. operating


1. programmer
2. helpdesk
3. network administrator
4. support technician
5. software tester
6. web designer
7. data entry

Thursday, October 3, 2024

5. Listen and repeat. Then match the words to the pictures.

 5 Listen and repeat. Then match the words to the pictures.

1. Keyboard

2. monitor

3. mouse

4. laptop

5. System unit

6. server

Customer Service: Pag 31 Ex 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8

4. Listen and repeat the words in colour. Then choose the correct answer. 1. Thank you for calling. I'll be happy to assist you again in...