Friday, October 27, 2023

An e-mail introducing a new employee

 To: CCO

From: Strauss

Subject: New Adition to one of our labels.

Today we present our new employee, 

His Name is Matt Lazlow, he is our new graphics designer for one of our labels: Rockstar Games. He didn't have a job as a graphics designer before but in his previous projects, he showed interest and talent in them. he will now guide the other designers and will be responsible for the logos, concept arts, and more.

Good luck for him.

Dear Strauss Zelnick.

Working with Vocabulary Pag 33 Ex 5,6,7,8

 5.  1. tied up 2. hold a meeting 3. give a presentation 4. make a meeting 5. check your calendar 6. take place 6. 1. a. No, I'm afraid ...